At the Northern Fort V5C10

At the Northern Fort V5C10: Play-Shadowing

The day after our family trip, I went to play at the fort. There were still parts two and three of the family trip remaining, but today I was planning on spending my day as usual.

I flew to the fort using the One-Eyed Knight as my goal, but in order to play a certain game, I separated from him for the time being. 

The game was play-shadowing.

Play-shadowing was one of my favourite games, and was something that I had played countless times up until now. It was a game where I stealthily tailed after the knights walking around the fort, and lately I had fallen into my third craze for the game.

Right now, I was in the middle of tailing after the six guys from the Scary-Faced Squad as they walked down the fort’s corridors. The leader-like member who also resembled a Russian assassin – though he was neither Russian nor an assassin – Rhodes-san, as well as the Gregorio, who had a red-haired goatee as his distinctive characteristic and acted as a sub-leader in the group, were discussing the day’s work arrangements. In addition to Gregorio, Rhodes-san was also informing the other four members of those arrangements. 

The baldy Gil and mercenary-looking Daz replied properly, but the fatty Bauns was eating something, while the problem child Jetz, who usually got along well with Kix and Gilles, was fixing up his mohawk while walking and wasn’t listening at all. 

However, none of them appeared to have noticed me at all.


Whoops, I laughed a little. My shadowing was going so well that it made me laugh. But the Scary-Faced Squad didn’t seem to have heard, as none of them turned around. This time, I chuckled ‘fufufu’ in my heart……and laughed while continuing to follow them.

—but that shadowing did not last very long.

“So, how long do you plan on doing that for, Mil?”

Just as Rhodes-san, who was at the head of the group, turned around, the other five also turned around to look at me.


I stood stock still on the spot and stiffened. 

“Are you play-shadowing again?”

However, I was the only one surprised, as Gregorio, Gil, Daz, as well as Bauns who continued to devour his snacks, and even Jetz who was still fixing his mohawk, appeared to have noticed my presence.

“Y-You knew?”

“Of course we’d notice.”

Jetz retorted, using a hand to support my belly as he picked me up with one hand. And then, he extended the hand holding me out, presenting me to each of the five people in turn.

“Here, ‘one pet a day’.”

After Jetz said that, the other five began petting my head in turns. What the heck’s ‘one pet a day’? At what point had the Scary-Faced Squad started to uphold such a goal?

“How did you figure out that I was tailing you?”

“The sound of your claws against the floor. They were going ‘cha cha cha’……and then they’d stop a bit, and then ‘cha cha cha’ again……after hearing it, it was clear that you were tailing us covertly.”

Jetz said, and the other five also nodded.

Ehhh, really? It was true that since the fort was made of stone, there would be some noise when you walked down its halls. But I was so used to that sound that I didn’t pay much attention to it.

“Also, you started giggling too.”

When Gregorio told me that, I started to get a bit embarrassed. Everyone, please just tell me when you notice.


“There’s still more?”

Gregorio pointed further behind me, as I continued to be held by Jetz’ arm, and said,

“It seems like you were also being tailed by Kix, Mil.”


I turned around and saw Kix sneakily peeking his head out from around the corner of the corridor. When our eyes met, he smirked and started walking towards us.

“Mil, you only paid attention to what was in front of you and didn’t notice me at all.”

“Yup, I didn’t notice at all……”

I muttered half-dazedly.

I didn’t think that I’d be shadowed while play-shadowing myself.

“Watching your fluffy tail and butt while stalking you was the best.”

Kix laughed.

Muu……to think that I’d be outmanoeuvred like this in the game that I made up myself.

“You should watch your back too from now on.”

Jetz placed me on the ground and warned me while laughing. Then, the Scary-Faced Squad and Kix said, “See ya” before heading off somewhere.

My tail buzzed sensitively as I stared at their backs. I felt frustrated and couldn’t just let things end like this. I must find my next target. Then, I’ll definitely shadow them perfectly. 

Filled with motivation, I made a gallant expression and turned back in the corridor. However, when I ran my claws struck the ground and made a loud ‘cha cha cha’ sound.

I was at a disadvantage in the fort. It’d be easier to do my shadowing outside. After deciding that, I left the building from the entrance.

When I exited, I saw the One-Eyed Knight and Big Bro Gatekeeper standing and talking near the gates. There was a short distance between the entrance and the gates, so the two still hadn’t noticed my arrival.

(Alright then, my next targets will be these two. This time I’ll perfectly—)

-is what I thought as I stealthily stepped forward. However, the instant I did so, the One-Eyed Knight instantly turned towards me.


One-Eyed Knight, you noticed way too fast……his wild instincts were way too sharp.

Now that I think of it, I’ve never succeeded in shadowing the One-Eyed Knight even once. Whenever I decided on the One-Eyed Knight as my target, he’d always notice me.

“One-Eyed Knight, you’re too sharp!”


I cried, “Wahh!” before turning and running in the opposite direction from the two. 

The next one! I’ll find another target!

“Ah! It’s Tina-san and Gilles!”

The two conveniently came walking by at the right time, so I promptly hid myself in the shadow of the storehouse.

Tina-san was usually together with Rekka-san, but she was a little less perceptive than Rekka-san. Gilles usually hung around with Kix and Jetz, but he was also more thickheaded than the both of them. They were the perfect pair of targets for me.

Gilles has thought of Tina-san as cute for a while now, as he sometimes comes to talk to her like this.

I’m sure that this was one of those times where Gilles saw Tina-san walking alone and came to talk to her. He seemed happy, and Tina-san was also smiling as they talked and walked.


A chuckle leaked out as I started my tailing of the two, but neither of them showed any signs of noticing me. That was especially the case for Gilles. He was completely engrossed in his conversation with Tina-san as he fawned over her, and didn’t pay any attention to what was behind him.

“Gilles is no good~”

A knight must always pay attention to their surroundings…….and just as I thought that, I came to my senses.

[You should watch your back too from now on.]

Even though Jetz just told me that, I had already forgotten it and had been focusing all my attention on what was in front of me.

Well, I did just part with Kix, so I’m sure there wouldn’t be anyone tailing me—

“WAHH! One-Eyed Knight! When did you get there!?”

When I tentatively looked back for the time being, the One-Eyed Knight was standing directly behind me. I was so surprised that my legs gave out.

Seeing me flailing on the ground, unable to stand up, the One-Eyed Knight picked me up.

“Sorry, did I startle you? I was concerned because you suddenly ran off and followed after you. I wasn’t trying to be particularly stealthy about it but……”

Meaning that the One-Eyed Knight chased after me normally, but I was so dull I didn’t notice. That’s what you mean, isn’t it?

And then, upon hearing my voice, Tina-san and Gilles also turned around and noticed us. “Huh? Mil-chan” -she waved her hand. I had finally gotten into it, but my tailing of the two ended here.

I waved back at Tina-san with my forepaw, and then looked up at the One-Eyed Knight despondently and said,

“I was play-shadowing, but it isn’t going well. Earlier I ended up having the tables turned on me when Kix shadowed me, and just now I didn’t notice when you were behind me either.”

Upon hearing that, the One-Eyed Knight shook his head and responded with this.

“Mil, there’s one more person.”

“One more person?”

When I tilted my head, the One-Eyed Knight nodded deeply before pointing behind himself. His finger was pointed slightly upwards in a diagonal direction.

“What is it?”

I followed the direction of his finger and to my surprise, found Branch Captain-san there. He was peeking at us from the window at the top floor of the fort. Over there was were Branch Captain-san’s office was.

“Bwanch Captain-san!”

When I shouted that, Branch Captain-san made an awkward expression at having been noticed. Then he waved at me before retreating into his room. Just when did he start watching me?

“Even when you’re playing alone, when you’re in the fort it’s better for you to assume that someone will generally be watching you.”

“I-Is that so……?”

I was momentarily perplexed by the One-Eyed Knight’s words, but when I thought about the events that happened today, I understood. I’ll be careful from now on……

And just when I thought that,


I suddenly sensed the presence of a spirit and looked around.


No, it’s different from Kugalg. It’s much brighter than a flame, and more intense……

“I guess it’s San Narshish?”

Perhaps because it was a bit of a distance away, I could not clearly sense the spirits’ ‘energy’. But it did feel like it was inside the fort premises. 

“What’s wrong? Has San Narcissus come?”

“It seems like it.”

The One-Eyed Knight asked, and I nodded. But where was he?

“I’m gonna go look for a bit.”

I had the One-Eyed Knight place me on the ground and dashed off. And then, I made a cursory patrol around the fort’s premises, but I couldn’t find San Narcissus.

When I sensed his presence in one area and went there, San Narcissus seemed to move.

“It’s annoying, so I guess I’ll use the twans-fur technique.”

My body transformed into a blizzard as I used the transfer technique with San Narcissus as my goal.

However, when the transfer ended, what appeared before my eyes was the quiet forest where Lunabella’s home was.

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About Kiriko

A young neko that enjoys frolicking around the net. Often has to run away from certain individual(s).
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